Libris Britannia 4
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ôçä ûÄæïâ Äà éÄîîöìêéÇôêÄì ╬╠╬╠╬╠╬╠╧╧╬╠╡
σΣα≤⌠±Σ α±≤ΦΓδΣ │ Communication in the last 10
│ years has been revolutionised by
│ the advancement in electronic
. . │ communications. The courier
┌─┐┌─┐┌─┬─┐┌─┬─┐┌ ┌┌─┐┬┌─┐┌─┐├ ┬┌─┐┌─┐│ business was kicked out with the
│ │ ││ │ ││ │ ││ ││ │││ ┌─┤│ ││ ││ ││ introduction of Fax machines.
│ │ ││ │ ││ │ ││ ││ │││ │ ││ ││ ││ ││ Newspapers and magazines have
└─┘└─┘└ └ └└ └ └└─┘└ └┴└─┘└─┘└─┘┴└─┘└ └│ been boosted with news being
πεφ'≤ µΣ≤ δΣσ≤ ßΣτΦφπ │ raced around the globe via
│ computers using modems and
│ satellite links.
ß√ Θετφ ∞ΓΓα÷. │
│ The edge of the worlds'
÷Φ≤τ α Γε∞∩⌠≤Σ±, α ∞επΣ∞, α │ advancement is out there in the
∩τεφΣδΦφΣ, √ε⌠ Γαφ µΣ≤ Φφ≤ε ≤τΣ │ computing netspace. Cyberpunks,
≥≤±Σα∞ εσ ≤επα√≥' µδεßαδ ⌡ΦδδαµΣ. │ Netrunners and Hackers, as well
│ as vets, authors, gardeners and
│ psychologists are making their
│ contributions to the world
│ through the power of BBS and
Networks. │ the humble household PC user.
With a computer, a modem, a │ So, when you have exhausted
phoneline and some comms │ all the possibilities of Windows
software, you can start dialling │ and Dos, when phrases like EMS,
BBS's and get into the stream of │ SX, CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT
todays' global village. │ no longer send you crawling under
Well, almost. First a little │ the desk, when you are looking
knowledge on what makes it all go │ for more than the local Tech
and how to get there is required. │ College can offer, the answer to
That is what this article is all │ your craving is the modem.
about. The advancements from 300 │ Within a few hours of plugging
baud to 1200 baud to 14,400 baud, │ into the world of computer
have been coming faster. The │ communications, you will be
business world is pushing │ hooked on the vast amounts of
telecommunications networks to │ advice, software, news, on-line
supply better and better │ games and humour available
phonelines. The end result is │ through BBS's and the larger
that now there is a truly awesome │ networks.
amount of power available to even │
It is a myth that buying a │ ≤τα≤ Φ≤≥ σαΦ±δ√ ΦφΣ≈∩Σφ≥Φ⌡Σ ≤ε
modem will run your phone bill │ ±⌠φ α ∞επΣ∞.
100's of dollars. │
When using a modem, you │
generally call local services. │ ôτΣ α±Σα εσ ß⌠√Φφµ α ∞επΣ∞ Φ≥
Some people are under the │ πΣσΦφα≤Σδ√ εφΣ ÷τΣ±Σ "ß⌠√Σ±
impression that because you are │ ßΣ÷α±Σ" ±⌠δΣ≥. There are a large
using a modem, the phone company │ number of suppliers, a dozen
is charging you PER-Minute! This │ standards, country-specific laws
is not true, a call you make with │ and hundreds of hardware
your modem, is exactly the same │ configurations to juggle.
as a normal phone call to a │
friend, if you call locally, you │ Here are some basic guidelines
will be charged the local rate │ that apply whether you are buying
(no matter how long you spend │ new or second hand.
online) , if you call STD, you │
will be charge accordingly. │ * 2400 baud is now the entry
ûε±Ω ε⌠≤ τε÷ ∞⌠Γτ Φ≤ ÷ε⌠δπ │ level. Any lower and you aren't
Γε≥≤ ≤ε ∞αΩΣ ₧ δεΓαδ Γαδδ≥ α ÷ΣΣΩ │ going to be to happy. In fact,
σε± α σ⌠δδ √Σα±, αφπ √ε⌠ ÷Φδδ ≥ΣΣ │ any lower and some BBS's aren't
going to be happy. The time it │ differences are usually around
takes you to download an Ansi │ $80-100, with externals being
menu screen at 300 baud can leave │ more expensive. It is up to you
little time for much else in a 30 │ which way you go.
minute vistors' access. │ There are Fax modems out now
* Austel ( or your countrys' │ that are becoming standard
equivalent ) permit - if the │ equipment. Coupled with a laser
modem you buy doesn't have this, │ printer you have a workable Fax
you could be in trouble the │ reciever/sender, that doesn't use
moment you hook it up to a │ a tree every week!
phoneline. That is - if you can │
plug it in! │ When buying, consider support
* Cables - make sure you get │ - I don't just mean by who sold
them and that you have the right │ it to you. Does it support a
ones. A serial cable for computer │ range of protocols? Does it have
to modem and a connector for │ the one you need?
modem to telephone wall socket. │ A lot of the larger companies
*Internal versus External? │ that are selling modems now have
Internal you lose a slot, │ support BBS's that can be dialled
external you lose a port. Price │ up and if you have any problems -
there are technical staff on- │ If you get it, like it and use
line, as well as the chat and │ it - then REGISTER IT!! It takes
file areas. This is a good │ about twenty minutes to fill out
solution to the Always-Busy-STD- │ a money order, pay for it and
Support-Phoneline. │ post it. You may get hundreds of
│ hours use from a particular
Next is the Comms prog - there │ shareware package and I gaurantee
are several commercial │ that it took longer than 20
communications programs around │ minutes to develop it. If you
but they all tend to be either │ want the shareware authors to be
BIG (with price tag to suit) or │ there next time, send the money
aimed at a specific group eg. │ this time.
For the average user, │ OK, now on with the comms
shareware is the way to go. At │ progs. Windows 3.1 has in it
this point, a little rave about │ (as well as a few bugs !) a bare
shareware is in order, even │ comms unit. YES - you guessed it,
though you will be hearing about │ I don't have Windows. But it is
it in other parts of this │ there and does function, as far
magazine. │ as I have been told. The main
consensus seems to be to use it │ about spreading the word. See the
to log on to a BBS, and download │ 'Communication programs review'
a better piece of software. Like │ in this edition.
what? I hear you breathe. │
UNICOMM, PROCOMM, TELIX or ... │ Once you have reached the
well, have a look on the BBS's │ level of being able to download
files. Find out what the others │ files, there is an urge to
are using and why. │ download EVERYTHING you see. This
TRY IT ON and see if you like the │ addiction can quickly get you the
feel. That is one of the great │ reputation of being a File Leech
things about shareware - you can │ - a parasite who sucks software
try out a dozen programs before │ without returning anything. ßΣ
settling on the one you want. I │ ÷α±φΣπ - ≥ε∞Σ üüÆ'≥ τα⌡Σ ≥εσ≤÷α±Σ
will be talking more about │ ≤τα≤ ≤±αΓΩ≥ √ε⌠± ⌠∩δεαπ/πε÷φδεαπ
specific comms packages in later │ ±α≤Φε. If it gets too one sided,
issues. If you have a │ you will not be able to Download
particularly fantastic package │ anything until you Upload
that you feel more people should │ something.
hear about, drop a line to me, │ If you contribute, then
C/O PC COMPLETE, and I'll see │ everyone benefits. Manners mean
quite a lot in the world of │ to a nasty power supply problem
cyberspace! │ that left a blank screen and the
When you first connect your │ acrid smell of burnt money. The
Modem, you may find a few │ withdrawal symptoms are intense,
hassles getting through the new │ with the pains of lost
Config.Sys arrangements, as with │ conversations and no new files.
installing ANY new program. │ This is the way you may
Thanks to compatability problems, │ discover how much you rely on the
memory requirements and IRQs, it │ modem.
is rare that it will all fit │ The telephone bills may be
snuggly into place first try. │ reduced through using an offline
This is where a little │ reader. The hard disk space can
expertise in handling Config.sys, │ be increased through using a data
either yours or a friendly │ compressor. The late nights can
computer store technician, comes │ be gotten through using large
in handy. Once you ARE running │ amounts of coffee and Coke.
you will be able to use the modem │ However, as all work expands
itself to assist in getting │ to fill the time available, so
answers to your problems. │ does the BBS addiction drag more
I am currently offline thanks │ from you. Before you know it, the
1.2 Gigabyte hard drive is on │
order, the 14,400 baud modem is │
slowing you down and your friends │
can't get through to you on the │
telephone. Be a little careful ! │
NEXT TIME - A detailed look at │
modems available, second hand and │
new, and the problems that may │
crop up! ñ │